The New Annual Stampin' Up! Catalog and Promotions are here!

Have you been waiting patiently for the launch of the 2012-2013 Stampin' Up! catalog? Well, it's here today!
Click on flyer to view flash verson of the catalog
Click on flyer to view flash verson of the catalog
The new catalogue has a gorgeous new clean look with sophisticated samples and the photography throughout the catalogue is stunning! There are many new stamp sets to choose from and the new Firm Foam Ink Pads are getting rave reviews!
During the entire month of June, when you purchase the $99 Stampin’ Up! Starter Kit, not only get to choose your products (up to $125 in retail value), you’ll also get products from the brand-new Patio Party Suite for FREE!, including the Make a Cake Set, Patio Party Designer Series Paper, & the Patio Party Digital Collection DVD!
That’s up to $48 in additional FREE products!
Page | Item | Description | Retail Value |
44 | 126740 | Make a Cake Set (wood-mount)* | $14.95 |
44 | 126742 | Make a Cake Set (clear-mount)* | $11.95 |
165 | 126916 | Patio Party Designer Series Paper | $10.95 |
199 | 127215 | Patio Party Digital Collection DVD |
$22.95 |
* Choose wood- or clear-mount; clear-mount set does not include clear blocks
What an awesome deal!! Please email me if you would like to take advantage of the $99 Starter Kit!
And just when you were thinking WOW!!---THERE'S MORE!
During June and July, hostesses who hold a minimum $450 workshop will receive an additional $50 in hostess FREE merchandise dollars--that's in addition to the $65 they already receive for a $450 workshop!
Things to Remember
- Customer, demonstrator, and workshop orders qualify for this promotion. Online orders are NOT eligible.
- Orders must total $450 or more (excluding tax and shipping) to qualify.
- Hostesses may use their additional hostess free merchandise on any regular catalog/mini catalog merchandise. However, hostess dollars cannot be applied to 50 percent-off items.
- Orders larger than $450 are not eligible for additional hostess free merchandise dollars. For example, a $900 order will not receive an additional $100 in hostess free merchandise dollars.
Hmmm, did you think we were done??!!??
During July, you and your customers have the opportunity to purchase an exclusive stamp set, available only through this special offer!
Get the Reason to Smile Set-up to a $20.95 value-for just $5 when you spend $50 on any Stampin' Up! products.
Description |
Retail |
Retail Price |
$5 Item |
Price |
Reason to Smile Wood-Mount Set |
130826 |
$20.95 |
131274 |
$5.00 |
Reason to Smile Clear-Mount Set |
130828 |
$16.95 |
131275 |
$5.00 |
Holy Smokes Batman!! I know this is quite a bit of information to process, but please take a moment to view the catalog and the promotions. Please contact me for clarification of any of these promotions or with any questions you may have regarding new products. Please click here to view the online store and get started with your order!

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