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Sponge Dauber Storage

I have seen a lot of sponge dauber usage on Pinterest lately and wanted to try it for myself. I was stumped on how to store sponge daubers so I hopped onto the internet and found this tutorial by a UK Stampin' Up! demo. I loved her idea! She had discovered that the sponge daubers fit perfectly in Stampin' Up!'s wood mount stamp cases!

I immediately ordered my sponge daubers and as soon as they came in, sat down to create my storage boxes. However, I soon discovered that her measurements didn't quite work with my storage cases...they must be a slightly different size in the UK so after a bit of puzzling, I cam up with the dimensions to re-create the idea using US measurements.

This is my first tutorial so please be gentle!

First, I measured off the interior of the wood mount stamp case and marked it off on my grid paper. The dimensions are 7 1/4" by 5".

The sponge daubers need 3/4" square slot to keep them in place and not shift around. Unfortunately this left me with 1/4" open space around the perimeter of my case so I added an additional piece of cardstock around the perimeter to keep everything nice and tidy.

You will need seven 7 1/4" by 3/4" and ten 5" by 3/4" pieces of cardstock. Make a mark on each piece at 1/4" from each edge and then 3/4" after that. (I also made a corresponding mark on the opposite side of the cardstock to give myself a guide when cutting.) Next make a small notch at each mark, just wide enough for a sheet of cardstock. I would suggest making a notch that's just over halfway deep onto the cardstock, to ensure the strength of the paper when assembling everything.

The next step is to assemble like this: 

I found it was easier to build the outside like this and then fill in on the inside:

The end result should look like this and fits perfectly inside Stampin' Up! wood Mount stamp cases:

Next I pulled out my trusty label maker and labeled all of my sponge daubers. They almost look too pretty to use!

The last step was to create a color chart. I cut a piece of white cardstock to 7 1/4" x 5" and re-created my grid onto the cardstock. Then I inked up my sponge daubers and went to work! I used abbreviations on the color names to keep everything as neat as possible:

This little stamp case can hold 54 sponge daubers, all neat and tidy as you please! I am sooooo thrilled with my new sponge dauber holder. Many, many thanks to Sam Donald, the originator of this idea.

I would love to hear feedback from you on my first tutorial, and please let me how you store, or plan to store, your sponge daubers!

Stampin Supplies:

Paper: Whisper White (100730)

Tools: Stampin' Trimmer (126889); Wood-Mount Stap Cases-Full Size (127551), Sponge Daubers (102892)

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References (2)

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  • Response
    Response: woodworking plans
    EZPeasyCards - Blog - Sponge Dauber Storage
  • Response
    EZPeasyCards - Blog - Sponge Dauber Storage

Reader Comments (8)

Wow, great job explaining your sponge dauber case. I'm planning to make one since the directions were so well done. Thanks for all the measurements and tips.

November 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSue Lepako

Great idea and you did great on your first tutorial too!.

November 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMary

Great job! Looks great and the tutorial is great. Did I say great? I mean it!

November 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBev

That looks like a great project! I love how you marked the color chart with the daubers! Thanks for sharing!

November 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDebbie

Great tutorial - great idea - tfs!!!

November 5, 2013 | Unregistered Commentermartie

Impressed-you did a great job!

November 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRoberta

Great idea for storage! I LOVE this. You did a fantastic job on the tutorial, too. I am so going to have to CASE this, right now my sponge daubers are labeled by color and then just thrown into a box. I need to do this, esp. since I've been using sponge daubers alot lately. TFS

November 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterNancy Gleason

You did a way better tutorial than me! By the time I'd finished inking, I was too covered to be able to do a tutorial! Great job xx

November 6, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPootle

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